Press Release

Shen Yun Forced To Cancel Hong Kong Shows

Shen Yun Performing Arts regrets to inform that seven sold out shows in Hong Kong have been cancelled due to Hong Kong authorities’ last-minute denial of entry visas to several of our key production staff.

The shows were scheduled to play at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’ Lyric Theatre January 27-31. But on January 21, the Hong Kong Immigration Department refused to give seven of our company’s core production team members entry visas. The reason given by Hong Kong immigration is that these production jobs could be filled locally.

However, as had been clearly explained to Hong Kong authorities, these production members are an integral part of Shen Yun. Our production staff are highly trained in Shen Yun’s specific artistic requirements, which are exceptionally technical and detailed. They cannot be replaced and the show cannot go on without them.

Although the visas were applied for on October 13, 2009, the denials came only three days before our departure. As Hong Kong authorities refused to change their decision after repeated requests, we have been forced to cancel the shows.

Shen Yun Performing Arts is a New York-based company that held its first tour season in 2007. Our mission is to revive China’s artistic traditions and spiritual heritage that thrived before decades of suppression. Our shows have been warmly embraced by millions of audience members of diverse backgrounds.

At the heart of our production is classical Chinese dance, along with vocalists, a live orchestra that combines Chinese and Western instruments, and colorful hand-made costumes. Our dances portray traditional legends like that of Mulan or Yue Fei, as well as events in present-day China, such as the story of Falun Gong. By artistically depicting these stories on stage, we aim to breathe new life into the spiritual essence and values of China’s divinely inspired culture.

The Chinese communist regime has been seeking to interfere with our performances for years by trying to pressure officials and theaters to cancel our shows. 

We regret that the Hong Kong people are denied their right to see Shen Yun Performing Arts and understand that this incident constitutes a violation of Hong Kong people’s freedom. We hope the people of Hong Kong who treasure their freedom will urge the Hong Kong government to undo this mistake.

We are grateful to the thousands of Hong Kong people who were looking forward to seeing our performance. We look forward to returning to Hong Kong for shows on an even larger scale soon.
